Social Events
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Social Events

Your Event as a lasting memory for your guests

We believe that every small meeting can lead to great ideas. And to the importance of meetings – because nothing is so personal and is so human as an individual meeting.

A friendly handshake. A common joke. Constructive conversations.

Direct teamwork is effective: Real people in a real conversation at a real place.

We believe, that with correct planning and proper handling of challenges, the success of your event is guaranteed.
Our team takes care of the realization up to the smallest detail, so that you can concentrate completely on the success of your event.

Workshops, Magazines,
Publicity, Photo-Shootings uvm.

PIAzza Agency Event plans your unforgettable family celebrations, birthdays, charity events and company events.


Our professional staff is on hand with help and advice to you for planning your perfect social event – that way your guests will feel more than welcome. In unique venues with creative mottoes and excellent dining we go the extra length to fulfil every wish. Only that way everything will be a full success.